

Friday, January 23, 2009

Foundation Questions!

I have been working on Foundation Questions lately.
As of Yesterday i have created 10 foundation questions,
AND began working on answering them. So my progressions are
going well I also have found out about a few people who have died of AIDS,
and one who has been living with HIV or AIDS for some time now.

Did you know Arthur Ashe died of AIDS?
He announced that he had AIDS on April 8th, 1992,
and Died of AIDS on February 6th, 1993.
Did you know Magic Johnson has been living with HIV since 1991?
Magic Johnson Announced he had HIV on November 7th, 1991
and Is currently living with HIV.

Well i discovered this yesterday and i was suprised.

1 comment:

  1. Brandon,
    Slow down on answering the Foundation Questions! You have things to do before you get to that point. However, things are starting to come together nicely for your project.
    - Mrs. Savido
